CPA Stories

Get to know UACPA members as they share their details of becoming a CPA, what they love about their work and what life looks like outside of work. Are you willing to share your story? Complete this form and we will highlight you below.

Priyankara Silva, CPA
Priyankara Silva, CPA, is a senior audit manager in EY’s financial services audit practice. He started his career as an assurance intern in the EY office in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and from the beginning of his career was focused on serving financial service sector clients.

Allison Matheson, CPA
Allison Matheson, CPA, is the Senior Manager over Internal Audit and Financial Controls at Ancestry. She earned a Master of Accounting from the University of Utah in 2014 and started her career with EY. She continued her career in public accounting with Tanner LLC until she joined Ancestry in 2018.

Peter Owen, CPA
Peter Owen is the director of finance at Dakota Pacific Real Estate. He graduated with a degree in finance and another in accounting from Weber State University and earned his MBA at the University of Utah.

Michael Michelsen, CPA
Michael Michelsen, CPA, a partner at Eide Bailly, helped his father who was a CPA, while he worked as the controller for a medical device manufacturing company. "I saw closely what accountants do and chose accounting as my major."

Marci Butterfield, CPA
Marci Butterfield, CPA, has taught at the University of Utah and advised Beta Alpha Psi at the University of Utah for 20 years. "Having my CPA has opened so many doors of opportunity I could not have been successful in my career without this credential."