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Showing 113 Conferences/UACPA Classes Results


All in One Ethics



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $150

LicensingContinuing Professional EducationExemptions from LicensureEmeritus StatusUnprofessional Conduct Conceptual Framework  AICPA Code of Professional Conduct New interpretations added to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct

Preparation and Compilation Engagements Under the SSARS



4.00 Credits

Relevant sections of SSARS No. 21, Clarification and Recodification, Updates to SSARS No. 21 guidance due to issuance of SSARS Nos. 22, 23 and 24, Proposed changes to the SSARS guidance, Comprehensive sample engagement work programs for preparation and compilation engagements, Prescribed form, specified line item, pro forma, and other engagement variations, Complete illustrations of relevant engagement letters, reporting and other required communications for preparation and compilation engagements SSARS No. 21 implementation issues and peer review feedback

Advanced Topics in a Single Audit



8.00 Credits

Auditor and auditee responsibilities, Planning the compliance audit and other risk assessment considerations, Required elements of the SEFA, Major program determination process, including clusters and loans/loan guarantees, Considerations when assessing and evaluating internal controls over compliance, Considerations of pass-through entities and subrecipients, Audit sampling in a compliance audit, Advanced audit reporting issues

CFO - Advanced Profit Enhancements



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $280

Tactics to Improve Bottom Line: 1st Improve ROI, What do investors want? They actively pursue three key strategies; 1) improve profit (most over used strategy), 2) reduce investment (an under used strategy), and 3) reduce risk (a much-neglected strategy). In this the first of three sessions, see 1) above, we will explore successful strategies to improve pricing, increase volume, and reduce risk. We will discuss proven techniques to help your organization thrive. Topics Discussed Introduction to the three levers - Income, Asset Utilization, and Risk. Cost control, Waste elimination, Lean, Total Quality Management, and Six Sigma, Simplification - A case study in how complexity is an insidious profit killer, Activity based costing, Understanding what drives cost and how to control cost, Accounting practices that are antithetical to good cost control, Getting the message across and generating action, Where are the good ideas buried?, Increasing volume, How effective is your advertising and promotion?, What is your unique selling proposition?, Are you stifling innovation?, Pricing, Pricing for value not cost recovery, Understanding competition, Looking for the `blue ocean' opportunity Tactics to Reduce Investment: 2nd Strategy ROI. What do investors want? They actively pursue three key strategies; 1) improve profit (most over used strategy), 2) reduce investment (an under used strategy), and 3) reduce risk (a much-neglected strategy). In this second of three sessions, see 2) above, we will explore strategies to improve asset utilization and reduce investment. We will discuss proven techniques to help your organization thrive. Cost of capital. What do investors want? What does my capital really cost? How can we approximate the cost? Utilizing the Du Pont Formula in a discounted cash flow world, Increasing asset utilization, What should we do, and what should we allow others to do?, Buying the right equipment at the right price, Increasing throughput, Complexity - the capacity thief, Process choices, Should we automate?, Lease or purchase, Impact of automation on risk and return Tactics to Reduce Risk: 3rd Strategy to Help ROI. What do investors want? They actively pursue three key strategies; 1) improve profit (most over used strategy), 2) reduce investment (an under used strategy), and 3) reduce risk (a much-neglected strategy). In this third of three sessions, see 3) above, we will explore strategies to reduce risk. When risks are exhibited on the income statement - it is too late. Risk is silent and insidious. We must plan, as we have seen what happens when risk becomes real and reduces net income. We will discuss proven techniques to help your organization plan for risk before the next miscalculation. Be prepared! Why is risk relevant?, What do investors want?, How do statisticians look at risk?, How do economists look at risk?, Prospect theory, Your risk profile, Risk appetite, Risk tolerance, How do you monitor risk?, Heat maps, Risk is everyone's job. Managing risk, Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, or Accept. Bridging the Gap with Marketing Management: The Four Ps. What should we know about marketing and what are the four `P's of marketing? Many financial leaders are not sufficiently knowledgeable about the marketing function, marketing management, and measuring marketing results. When we know more, both functions can work collaboratively to help drive a superior bottom line. We can more accurately measure success, for example, in order to approve a cost-effective strategy to maintain and grow the business organically. We will discuss proven techniques to help your organization grow and thrive. Finance and marketing can and should help each other - we will show you how. What is the function of Marketing?, Creating demand, building reputation, Inform and educate customers and potential customers. Marketing plans, What must be in a top-quality plan, Coordination with strategy and financial ability, 1 - Products and services, Why do customers buy, or not buy, your offerings?, Core products, actual products, augmented products, 2 - Price, Pricing is market driven, not cost driven!, Cost leaders vs differentiators, When to increase price when to reduce price, 3 - Place or channels, Effective and efficient channels, Alternative channels, 4 - Promotion, Promotion alternatives and cost effectiveness, Coordinating the 4Ps to gain maximum results.

Annual Update for Accountants and Auditors



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Recently issued ASUs, Current FASB exposure draft and projects, Audit and attest engagements update, Recent PCAOB guidance, Latest activity from ARSC

Advanced Audits of 401(k) Plans: Best Practices and Current Developments



8.00 Credits

Audit requirements for ERISA Schedule 103(a)(3)(C) audits, An annual update of the changes affecting 401(k) plans, Compliance issues associated with eligibility and enrollments, remittances, lack of oversight, compensation, vesting, and other topics, Best practices for engagement planning, internal controls, risk assessment, and detailed testing, Avoiding common mistakes while performing audit procedures, Plan mergers and acquisitions, Common audit reporting and disclosure issues

Income Tax Accounting



8.00 Credits

Permanent and timing differences, Income tax expense, Effective tax rate, Current income tax liability, Deferred income tax assets and liabilities, Uncertain tax positions, Tax benefits for carryforwards, Reporting and disclosure under ASC 740.

A Practical Guide to Trusts: Maximizing Financial, Estate, and Asset Protection Strategies



8.00 Credits

Understanding the trustee's role and effective problem avoidance strategies. Utilizing trusts to bypass probate and streamline the wealth transfer process. Analyzing the impact of income, gift, and estate taxes on revocable living trusts. Leveraging marital deductions and marital and bypass trusts for optimal estate planning. Harnessing the potential of irrevocable trusts as the cornerstone of an estate plan. Exploring the advantages of irrevocable life insurance trusts. Creating and managing dynasty trusts for long-term wealth preservation. Evaluating the benefits of GRITs, GRATs, GRUTs, and QPRTs as powerful estate planning tools. Trust options to ensure financial security for elderly clients. Understanding the tax consequences, limitations, and advantages of charitable contributions and private foundations. Navigating charitable remainder and charitable lead trust considerations. Utilizing trusts as asset protection devices. Addressing trust-related issues within business structures

Complying With the Corporate Transparency Act: A Guide for Client Protection



2.00 Credits

Identify the applicability of the CTA to an advisor's clients. Learn the fundamentals of the CTA, including its purpose, scope, and compliance requirements. Explore the potential risks and benefits associated with the law and how it can affect your clients' interests. Understand the CTA's impact on corporate structures, reporting requirements and enforcement mechanisms. Learn how to navigate the regulatory landscape to ensure compliance. Identify which entities are now required to disclose owner information. Discuss the reporting requirements of the CTA. Learn what entities are subject to the exceptions of the CTA. Understand the penalties for noncompliance of the CTA

Guide to the Corporate Transparency Act for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

The Corporate Transparency Act and its goals, Which entities need to file reports and which entities are exempt? Who is a beneficial owner and what is substantial control? Information that needs to be reported, How to get your firm and your clients ready for the requirements

K2’s Next Generation Excel Reporting



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $275

• Identifying weaknesses in traditional reporting processes• Using leading-edge features in Excel to improve reporting practices• How to work with Power Query to solve common reporting challenges• Adding Slicers and Timelines to your Excel-based reports

Guide to Partner Capital Account Reporting



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

How a partner's outside basis and capital account differ, Reconciling Schedule M-2 Form 1065 with Partnership K-1 Schedule L, IRS requirement to report partner tax basis on the transactional approach, Implications if a capital account is negative, Deficit restoration accounts and qualified income offsets, Modified outside basis method and modified previously taxed capital method, Determining a partner's beginning capital account, Beginning capital account for partnerships and partners consistently reporting on the tax basis

Finance Business Partnering: Successful Business Models and Strategic Choices



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $174

An overview of the finance business partner, Business model generation, Strategic planning process - analysis, choice, and implementation.

K2’s Data Analytics For Accountants And Auditors



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Understanding the importance of data analytics in modern business environments• Generating and interpreting data analytics using everyday applications such as Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft’s Power BI platform• Using regression analysis to create and validate forecasts and projections

Audits of ERISA Plans, With a Focus on 401(k) Plans



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

GAAP vs. ERISA reporting requirements, Audit planning, Risk assessment, including consideration of internal control, Auditing the statement of net assets available for benefits, Auditing the statement of changes in net assets available for benefits, Other auditing considerations, including prohibited transactions and, tax compliance, The auditor's report, Financial statement disclosures, Supplemental schedules

Surgent's Comprehensive Guide to Tax Depreciation, Expensing, and Property Transactions



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $280

Final regulations - bonus depreciation and Schedule 1031 exchanges, Technical correction Rev. Proc. 2019-13 - use it or stand to lose second-year depreciation deductions for luxury automobiles, What are the components for real estate depreciation? A new SUV or sedan? A study of depreciation alternatives, Permanency in Schedule 179 depreciation rules? How to maximize its use; when to use it; and what property qualifies, Sale of property and the depreciation recapture rules (Schedules 1245, 1250, unrecaptured Schedule 1250 gain for real estate, Schedule 291 for corporations), How to depreciate like-kind exchange property, May Schedule 121 and Schedule 1031 apply to the same transfer of property? Reacquired installment sale property - calculating potential gain and new basis Understanding Schedule 197 amortization issues; how to handle intangible asset costs, Depreciation issues, tax-deferred exchanges, personal property converted to business property, and an overview of home sale exclusion, Guide for compliance and planning issues, Cases and rulings of depreciation and amortization issues and how they impact clients, along with the useful planning opportunities

K2’s Implementing Internal Controls In QuickBooks Environments



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Critical risks in QuickBooks environments• Internal control options that can mitigate risk to prudently acceptable levels• Enabling alternative control measures to improve internal controls in QuickBooks environments

K2’s Improving Productivity With Microsoft 365/Office 365 Cloud Applications



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Understanding the Cloud-based options available in a Microsoft 365/Office 365 environment• How to use tools such as Teams, Planner, and Power Automate• Storing data in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

Bankruptcy Basics: Understanding the Reorganization and Liquidation Process in These Uncertain Economic Times



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

Commencement of a bankruptcy proceeding, Protections provided to debtors under the Bankruptcy Code, Key procedural aspects of bankruptcy, The automatic stay, Differences between Chapters 7, 11, and 13 bankruptcy cases, The bankruptcy discharge, Proofs of claim, Plans of reorganization, Litigation that can arise during bankruptcy, Creditor committees, Bankruptcy trustees, Avoidable preferences and fraudulent transfers, Special rights afforded to landlords and secured creditors

K2’s Introduction To Excel Macros



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Getting started with Excel macros by using the Macro Recorder• Fundamentals of writing VBA code• Saving and sharing macros• Getting started with User-Defined Functions