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Showing 130 Conferences/UACPA Classes Results


All in One Ethics



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $150

LicensingContinuing Professional EducationExemptions from LicensureEmeritus StatusUnprofessional Conduct Conceptual Framework  AICPA Code of Professional Conduct New interpretations added to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct

K2’s An Accountant’s Guide To Blockchain And Cryptocurrency



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Understanding the fundamental tenets of blockchain technology• Examples of applied applications of blockchain technology• Identifying leading cryptocurrencies available today• Understanding risks associated with cryptocurrencies

Tax Planning Based on Form 1040



8.00 Credits

Deciphering the intricacies of health care regulations. Maximizing the potential of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Navigating the intricacies of the Alternative Minimum Tax and developing tailored strategies. Unveiling the nuanced deployment of Roth IRAs. Grasping the pivotal role of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) in effective tax planning. Exploring innovative techniques and strategies utilizing Section 529 plans. Designing tax-effective solutions for small business proprietors. Crafting strategies for comprehensive retirement planning. Strategically shifting income to children, reevaluating existing strategies. Seamlessly integrating strategic estate planning with income tax optimization.

K2’s Artificial Intelligence For Accounting And Financial Professionals



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Exploring AI applications in accounting and finance• Understanding AI features in everyday tools• Embracing the future: AI's+F22G22

K2’s Advanced QuickBooks Tips And Techniques



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Tips for improving efficiency with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online• Better reporting when working in QuickBooks environments• Tips for cleaning up QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online instances• Managing inventory more effectively when working with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online

K2’s Case Studies In Fraud And Technology Controls



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $180

• Key fraud risks impacting businesses today• Examples of fraud and the monetary impact on victims• How to create, implement, and assess technology-based internal controls to reduce the probability of becoming a fraud victim

K2's Next Generation Excel Reporting



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Identifying weaknesses in traditional reporting processes, Using leading-edge features in Excel to improve reporting practices, How to work with Power Query to solve common reporting challenges, Adding Slicers and Timelines to your Excel-based reports

A Practical Guide to Trusts: Maximizing Financial, Estate, and Asset Protection Strategies



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Understanding the trustee's role and effective problem avoidance strategies. Utilizing trusts to bypass probate and streamline the wealth transfer process. Analyzing the impact of income, gift, and estate taxes on revocable living trusts. Leveraging marital deductions and marital and bypass trusts for optimal estate planning. Harnessing the potential of irrevocable trusts as the cornerstone of an estate plan. Exploring the advantages of irrevocable life insurance trusts. Creating and managing dynasty trusts for long-term wealth preservation. Evaluating the benefits of GRITs, GRATs, GRUTs, and QPRTs as powerful estate planning tools. Trust options to ensure financial security for elderly clients. Understanding the tax consequences, limitations, and advantages of charitable contributions and private foundations. Navigating charitable remainder and charitable lead trust considerations. Utilizing trusts as asset protection devices. Addressing trust-related issues within business structures

Estate Planning Strategies: Advanced Techniques and Tools



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $325

Examining the dynamics of estate planning in the contemporary context. Analyzing the implications of the evolving Internal Revenue Code on estate planning strategies. Meeting the requirements for charitable deductions and their tax implications. Utilizing gifts of closely held stock to generate charitable contribution deductions. Identifying scenarios suitable for the application of charitable split-interest trusts. Complying with the requirements and benefits of these trusts. Understanding generation-skipping transfers and their associated tax implications. Learning the computation of generation-skipping transfer tax. Recognizing when life insurance can serve as a valuable estate planning tool. Exploring the advantages and planning techniques of using life insurance trusts. Examining various life insurance options and their distinctive features. Assessing the tax implications surrounding private annuities. Uncovering how life insurance can complement private annuities in estate planning. Understanding the strategic importance of split-interest purchases in effective planning. Delving into the implementation of GRIT, GRAT, GRUT, and QPRT strategies

Retirement Planning Update Everything that you Need to Know



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

Thorough examination of SECURE Act 2.0 and its implications. Exploring enhanced retirement plan alternatives and revised contribution limits. Analysis of altered rules for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Harnessing the power of novel retirement planning tools and incentives. Navigating beneficiary modifications and their impact on estate planning. Real-world case studies showcasing practical applications of SECURE Act 2.0 principles

K2's Excel PivotTables For Accountants



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

PivotTable fundamentals, including Recommended PivotTables and the six elements of PivotTables, Formatting PivotTables, Advanced PivotTable techniques and options, including consolidation PivotTables, user-defined calculations, and working with Power Pivot, Analytical techniques available in PivotTables

Postmortem Estate Planning: Navigating Decedent's Estate Issues



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Understanding the intricacies of alternative valuation date and its implications. Gaining insights into the considerations surrounding portability. Identifying opportunities and requirements for installment payments of estate taxes. Exploring the strategic use of QTIP elections under IRC Schedule 2056(b)(7). Recognizing the benefits and implementation of qualified disclaimers. Understanding the complexities of basis issues in postmortem planning. Addressing issues related to the payment of estimated taxes. Navigating the requirements and considerations for the decedent's final income tax return. Managing medical expenses in the context of postmortem estate planning. Exploring strategies to optimize savings bond interest acceleration. Understanding the implications and process of estate fiscal year and accounting method elections. Maximizing benefits to beneficiaries by distributing administrative expenses efficiently. Exploring the utility and requirements of the sixty-five-day rule election. Understanding income and deductions in respect of the decedent (IRD) and its implications. Navigating planning considerations pertaining to qualified plans and IRAs

K2’s Business Continuity – Best Practices For Managing The Risks



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $250

• Identifying risks to Business Continuity• Differentiating between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery• Implementing effective backup strategies• Creating an effective Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery planq

K2’s Microsoft Access – Tables, Queries, And Beyond



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $250

• Understanding database principles, including differentiating between databases and spreadsheets• How to create tables and relate tables in the same database• Creating and using queries• Building forms and reports in Access

K2’s QuickBooks For Accountants



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $250

• New features in QuickBooks Desktop and Online• Enhancing internal controls in QuickBooks-based environments• Improving financial and operational reporting when using QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online• Best practices for setting up companies

Estate Planning Issues for the Non-Traditional Client: Navigating Legislative Changes and Maximizing Techniques



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Comprehensive understanding of new legislation and its impact on estate planning. Analysis of estate tax issues and effective planning techniques. Examination of gift tax issues and corresponding planning techniques. Strategies for addressing generation-skipping transfer tax issues. Exploration of both tax and non-tax considerations and planning techniques. Estate planning considerations for tax-deferred retirement funds. Understanding the interplay between education issues and estate planning. Navigating step-up in basis issues for effective estate planning.

Preparing Not-for-Profit Financial Statements



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $280

The key requirements, options, and disclosures related to each of the basic financial statements, How the reporting of functional and natural expense information has changed, The new requirements related to providing liquidity and availability of financial assets information, The implementation of ASU No. 2018-08 and its effect on the accounting for grants and contracts as well as contributions in general, How the new lease requirements (ASU No. 2016-02, Leases) impact not-for-profits, Core not-for-profit accounting requirements related to contributions, promises to give, contributed services, net assets, special events, the classification of expenses, and more

K2's Advanced Excel



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $270

Collaboration and security techniques, Tables, data models, and PivotTables, Advanced formulas, Data queries, Creating effective visualizations

IRAs: What You Need to Know about Contributions, Conversions and Distributions



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

Determine clients who are well suited for conversion from traditional to Roth IRA's. When should clients recharacterize IRA contributions? What special traps are present in the IRA area? How to receive a waiver for clients who failed to take the proper required minimum distributions (updated for the SECURE Act 2.0). Requirement minimum distributions from inherited IRAs (updated for SECURE Act 2.0 and also 2023 IRS guidance).

Conflicts of Interest - A New Approach



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $105

Documentary Client Consent Evidence, Subordination of Judgement, Whistleblowing, Conflict Disclosure Checklist.